What is cash automation?
Cash automation is the use of specialized techniques through cutting-edge devices to count, dispense and manage your cash to improve accuracy and minimize costs.
Benefits of cash automation
Cash automation has many benefits; however, the primary use is increased efficiency. Automation with the right devices provides a fast and accurate process. Streamlining your cash management process with the help of cash automation will also help reduce potential fraud attempts. Among the various cash automation techniques, tell cash recycler and coin sorter are the two methods that are widely used in many organizations.
What is a Teller cash recycler?
A Teller Cash Recycler machine is a compact vault that handles both the buy/sell and teller transactions. The machine automatically counts, stores, and validates the cash for withdrawal and deposit operations. It is one of the most cutting-edge machines in banking technology. The teller cash recycler machine offers many benefits, and one of the essential benefits is security. The machine provides 24-hour vaults, so the cash is permanently locked in a secure place. Other benefits of the machine are good transaction speed, back-end cash management efficiencies, and allowing the staff to focus more on engaging with clients as they need less time in handling the cash.
What is Coin Sorter?
A Coin Sorter is a device that sorts a random collection of coins into separate bins or tubes for various denominations. They are used to facilitate coin management in cash-intensive businesses.
Benefits of Coin Sorter
A coin sorter sorts the coins and is an effective way of saving time. The benefits of coin sorter machines are many. They enhance the profitability of your business but also enable you to spend less time on tedious tasks. They are compact and count the coins quickly and accurately. Their cutting-edge technology helps them differentiate coins with greater accuracy. Manual coin sorting is a tedious job and is prone to errors. Investing in a good Coin Sorter ensures the utmost precision of the whole process. With a coin sorter, your employees will have time to focus on the more important tasks.
Wrap up
Investing in the best quality cash automation devices helps you reduce costs, increase efficiency, enable accurate cash forecasts and reduce fraud.